Thursday 2 August 2007


I've only just remembered that today was my day to blog. This, therefore, will not be terribly well thought-through. Nevertheless, I feel inspired.

I am writing some little story/meditations for Greeneblt at the moment and I've been trying to think of something to write that hits the nail on the head to capture the essence of the mustard seed story/ies. I asked a friend tonight in the pub what she thought. She said that recently she had been thinking about hope, hope had led her on to faith and faith to the story of the mustard-seed (she was thinking more about the moving mountains parable not the kingdom of heaven being like a mustard seed one by the way but there're vague similarities)...

This resonated with me because the story/meditation I want to 'capture' most is the one about an old slave woman who hears Jesus and understands him with total clarity. I was trying to think about what the mustard seed might say to her... I think it has to be about hope. I'm not sure if it's theologically sound or if it will totally make sense but there's just something about the concept of 'hope' that I want to portray to people about Jesus and his mustard-seed meanderings (no disrespect meant).

The last few days I've been feeling lost and hope-less, hope-bereft. Today I feel more hope-found and hope-full. Of course life isn't always hopeful or very nice, certainly not for old slave women... But there's just something about the concept. There's something about the mustard-seed... There's something about hope.

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