Monday 15 October 2007

in my heart, in my thinking...

i'm still using the 'god be...' prayer and finding new depth in it...

the hardest line for me has been 'god be in my heart and in my thinking'

i love the idea that the way that you think is an attitude of the heart, rather than of the mind... it explains why it's the place in the prayer where i've struggled most.
my thinking is so ingrained, my attitudes have become so well rehearsed and self-justified and reinforced and entrenched down the years; they're second nature.

[it's not called a mind-'set' for nothing...]

and yet i think that i am being challenged and changed. moving up here to leeds and the things that we've experienced since we've been here through revive and now this monastic stuff have been a big part of that process... my thinking is [painfully slowly] changing. what's that line from the psalms? '...create in me a new heart, and renew a right spirit in me...'
i think it's happening...


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