Monday 1 October 2007

"'s like deja vu all over again..."

heh heh - like everyone except esther, i've got out of the habit of posting these past two weeks...

and so even though i've not much to say for meself this week, i'm writing this now, just to get back into routine...

actually, routine is what i need right now. re-establishing the silent prayer time to begin the day. learning to find time to end each day with prayer too would be good.
getting my eating back right again [i've slipped back into snacking recently...!]
and starting to exercise - that's still left undone on the 'to do' list...

post-greenbelt i'd promised myself [and sue, and the kids] that i'd get the amount of work i was taking on back down to a manageable level, and that it wouldn't take over our lives any more; but to be honest it's not really happened.
last week i found myself cancelling a nite out at the very last moment to stay up and draw stuff instead, and this week i'm already facing up to three deadline crises between now and the end of wednesday...

so that's me at the mo; despite my very best intentions, still wrestling with the old work/life balance...


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