Wednesday 12 September 2007


Just a quick one to say thanks to my fellow monks for being there - you are providing an incubator for a new and improved James (I believe!). I have been reflecting today on what we learn, and what we do with what we've learnt. It seems to be that God is using monks as a tool to work changes in me (slowly but surely!).

An example being that through monks I have become aware of my own chatter (spiritual, emotional and psychological noise) which I believe makes sense, but is in the main useless, and generally quite harmful to mine and other's well-being too. This manifests primarily in what I say, and I am increasingly open to noticing this, and being challenged on words and their underlying attitudes.

So thanks monks. Looking forward to seeing you soon (Monday?) and wish that it were still school holidays so Eddie and Joe could come and play on Wednesdays!

Love to all,


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