Thursday, 20 September 2007


Well it's Thursday again... I forgot it was Thursday last Thursday so I did not blog. However I've remembered this week...

I was recounting the story of Esther to some friends today. Kind of to explain why I was called Esther and why it was a bit of a churchy thing (what with my parents being fundies - ho ho ho). So anyway, I was telling the story to them and emphasising just how misogynist it is: how the king is a bit of a woman-hater what with him divorcing Vashti for standing up to him and then treating the local virgins like cattle etc. And so of course they were saying 'oh how awful - what a terrible book'. And I was momentarily sad. But at the time I didn't think about why. Until now...

Now I realise I'd quite like to tell them about some of the good bits in the Bible. I'd like them to know about how ground-breaking it is - I'd like them to hear some of the best bits: Isaiah and his fasting, Song of Solomon and his passion, Paul and his grace, Jesus and his "the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed"...

I suppose that's why we still do stuff like the Advent thing. So that we can remember the bits of the story that we love and celebrate them in art and music and words.

So I was thinking about that. And it made me feel glad that I am part of a something that enables me still - after all my doubt and all my cynicism - to enjoy the story of God and Jesus and the Church, at least when I'm not denigrating it that is!

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