Monday, 3 September 2007

'sbeen a long time...

feels like a long time since i last posted here - i guess that pre-greenbelt everything got a bit lost in the deluge of stuff that i was trying to get ready for the festival weekend... wish i could say that post-greenbelt i was living out a much better work-life balance, but there's still a load of stuff to do on the desk and the pressure won't be off for another week or so... sigh.

anyhow, here are a couple of thoughts that are occupying my mind coming back from greenbelt.

the first is a quote from a service by a group called the garden - "prayer is god on his knees longing for us to do something"

the second is a general wondering whether christ'd be happy with what st paul did with the message, whether the religion that's grown up around jesus' teaching and the institutions that claim his name are even remotely what he had in mind during his ministry.

i know that's kind of heretical, but i'm enjoying kicking those ideas around a bit...
see you all tonite, monk-y chums!


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