Wednesday 9 January 2008


happy new year!

i have already broken my first monk-y resolution - namely to get back into the habit of my weekly post here and to stick with it.
ah well...

meantime i've been looking back at the things that we said that we'd look to do in 2007, and which we'd gently hold one another to account for - maybe we can talk them through when we next meet. for my part i started to get somewhere with silence and solitude and the work-life balance but then totally lost the plot sometime in the summer.
ah well...

so this year the aims are as follows -
1. to add another song to play at my hopefully-not-very-imminent funeral each time i post here. for starters - 'vapour trail' by ride [though i'd like the version by trespassers william played too, please]
2. again, to lift up my head, both metaphorically and physically. it occured to me today that it'll mean that i step in some poop along the way, but it's worth the risk.
3. watch at least one film a week [on tv if not at the cinema. we don't make the most of film4]
4. to read the bible. not all of it. maybe just the gospels, for starters, over and over.

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