Tuesday 3 July 2007

big rocks

Last night, driving us back home, Esther said how my workplan story was like the rocks and sand analogy:

If you start filling a jar with sand, and then gravel, you may run out of room for larger rocks ... but if you put the rocks in first, then the sand etc will fit around the rocks.

And I really loved that analogy. So I'm thinking ... what are the 'rocks' in my life, the things to put in the jar first? I think I'll try practising what I preach, and write on an A4 sheet what my 'rocks' are, and try referring to it, first thing each day and putting in the rocks first.

There will always be room for the sand.

For me, the rocks are the things that I always intend to do, but never get around to doing because I fill my days with other things, and there's no room left over.

So this includes:

- clearing out the mess in James' and my room
- reading the Green Apples II partial manuscript sent to me by Jean Willans
- putting together a central contacts directory of people I know so that I'm not forever searching for contact details when I need them
- and of course, monastic rhythms ... starting the day with prayer and reflection

There are my rocks ... I invite you to keep me accountable :-)


Monks In Leeds said...

Sounds like a good plan - my meditation 'rock' worked today but my doing-a-good-day's-work-on-my-phd 'rock' will take a bit longer to perfect I think!

Monks In Leeds said...

hey - you guys rock...! [heh heh]
