Tuesday 24 July 2007

Prayer changes things

Following on from our chat last night (which was great, by the way). Today I've been thinking about how prayer changes things.

It's a big subject, but I've got as far as realising that in my experience, the main thing that prayer changes is me.

By having a conversation with God, I become aware of his presence and power already at work all around me, and start to notice her fingerprints on the issues that I'm bringing to her.

I'm glad that in the talking, and listening, and the space between us, and his Spirit in us, I am learning so much more than through just thinking or reading, or reflecting - it's the interplay of her voice and mine, her thoughts and mine, her perspective and mine which really challenges me, and is able to change me if I let it.


PS Did I hear Si refer to God as "Father or Mother" yesterday? Mmmm - maybe prayer changes other people's perspectives too! ;)

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