Thursday 26 July 2007


I'm not sure quite why or how, but routine seems to make my life better.

Routine, while making my life better, does not come naturally for a variety of reasons.

I am a student and that role provides me (blesses me?? Curses me??) with an enormous amount of time-flexibility in my day with which to play...

I am naturally fairly gregarious and enjoy meeting up with people, spontaneously or otherwise, for food, drinks, chats and other exciting aspects of socialising which often moulds my day into something even less routine-like...

Finally, I am a bear of very little personal discipline and tend to allow myself too much lee-way for drifting and day-dreaming in such a way as to render any attempt at routine as void more often than not.

However, recently I have worked (reasonably) hard to address the above issues and have managed to attain a little more routine-ness in my life and quite frankly the results are gratifying.

Routine helps me to get up in the morning. Routine helps me to focus on some sort of meditative thinking time before getting up. Routine helps me to get into the office and do some work on my upgrade document. Routine helps me to eat better and more economically by spending time cooking at home. Routine helps me to get to bed at a reasonable hour so that I can face the following day with some strength.

Note that I didn't mention socialising... Routine isn't quite able to stop me from conducting my spontaneous and other kinds of social encounters. To be honest I wouldn't really want it to either. There's only so much routine I can take after all.

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