Thursday 24 May 2007


I forgot to blog yesterday! Sorry fellow monks :) Actually, I remembered during the day, and planned to do it, but then got caught up in other things, and it slipped my mind entirely until very late last night (as I was just about to sleep).

And this reminded me (ironically?) of how often we need help in remembering. That's why I love getting together with all of you guys, and spending time thinking about what we're doing, and talking together. I need a lot of reminding, as I so quickly get caught up in all sorts of everything. So thanks for reminding me, just by being there, that we are committed to giving God space to breathe in our everyday lives. I think with the excitement of going to Canada, I'm getting increasingly doolally! Please pray that we get all we need done in the final hours here, and that the trip is smooth and successful!!! Thanks fellow monks, look forward to reading and writing on the other side of the Atlantic.


1 comment:


heh heh - was wondering if you'd forgotten!
travel well, and let us know when you've arrived...

looking forward to blogs and mp3s from the frozen outposts of calgary!