Wednesday 16 May 2007

Whose agenda?

I think the big challenge for me is whose agenda I am going to follow. I know this because yesterday a surprising thought popped into my head. It simply asked,

"Whose agenda are you going to follow today, yours or mine?"

This was a real challenge, and a real answer to prayer, as I've been asking God to speak to me in a way that I can understand.

As I reflected on this question, I realised that almost everything I do is based on my agenda: either what I want, or what I *think* others want - whether my nearest and dearest, or random strangers, or God. But almost never do I stop and listen to see what God might want. So I tried it yesterday, and I think it worked quite well, although I was quite aware of how selfish I can be through a normal day, and kept on having to check myself from thinking and/or acting in a way that (on reflection) I was horrified with!!!

So - the question again today is: whose agenda am I going to follow? This is a great challenge for me everyday, because it gets me thinking outside of myself, and actually engaging in a conversation with God that doesn't just go, "Oh God, please bless x and y and z, and help me with a and b and c." Instead, it sounds more like, "Oh God, you know I want to do a, b and c, but what do you think? Is that cool with you, or what?" (And then I actually wait and hope and expect that, at the right time, God will give me the answer.)

So, day 2 of the new agenda ;) So far, so good. Although, I'm sooo tired today, feel like I'm completely drunk, and a bit useless (although in reality I'm neither of these). But this is a good testing ground for listening and doing God's way, and seeing how that works out. Thanks God.


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