Friday 18 May 2007

Simple things

Recently we stayed with some good friends of ours down south. On our final morning together we awoke to a real heavy downpour. As we looked out onto the back garden my friends response was 'look at the starlings they're having a fantastic time'.
I smiled to myself as this was a typical comment from him, one of sheer delight and optimism at what looked like a fairly grim day ahead. I was struck by the simplicity at what he'd observed and the enjoyment he took from watching the birds.

The other week whilst waiting for what seemed like hours in orthopaedics (eddie was having his cast removed)an afro-caribbean nurse came out into the waiting room and called a patient, this very elderly lady struggled from her seat. The nurse very gently went to put an arm around her amongst all these people just sitting, waiting,staring. I found it a very moving moment, partly because it was such a gentle offer of help, partly because the woman was so fragile and then because of the obvious black helping white. ( that might not have come out quite right but I know what I mean) Such a simple gesture and yet one full of so many complexities.

I have been delighted and struck how such simple things have been brought to my attention in the last few weeks. The stilling of my busy life even for just short moments has brought me to a point of thankfulness and acceptance.

Neither moments were when I was alone .

I guess I'm learning that contemplation and stillness can happen wherever and whenever if I'm willing to have a go.


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