Thursday 21 June 2007


I'm approaching this in the wrong way today and yet I will go ahead anyway.

Let me explain. I'm currently unable to access the internet at home (except by stealing a connection off the neighbours which I have to admit - I do do... But it's just not that reliable!). Therefore I am having to write this blog entry from uni where I have come for just a couple of hours to get some emailing done.

I am therefore not in a 'thoughtful' place and certianly not feeling like I can contribute much wisdom to the pot today.

However I did want to say that I have found other people's entries really helpful for my learning. James talked yesterday about getting away from 'knowing' everything about God. This is important for me to embrace as I have become a bit sceptical about my faith over these past few years and that is partly due to having had a similar experience to James in terms of growing up in a tradition that sought to explain everything in the Bible and everything in life through the prism of an omnipotent and omniscient being called God.

Now that I'm learning to let go of some of that need to explain things, I am also starting to let go of some of my scepticism which arose as a direct result of having explained everything in black and white for so long that when black and white let me down I couldn't see the other colours anymore, I couldn't see them for the grey, just like I hadn't been able to see the grey for the black and white. My metaphor is a complicated one but I hope it makes some sense.

All I know is that I'm learning. And James, Leesun, Si and Sue are helping me do that right now so thank you for your entries guys.

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