Monday 18 June 2007

more random stuff

aye up!

another monday and i've nothing hugely profound or coherent to blog [again]

but here are some random things, all the same...

i've realised that without meaning to, i've taken on esther's resolution for spending more time outside.
the extension/building site has a roof, so even when it's wet [and boy has it been wet here recently!] i can get out into the open air and do my moring solitude/silence thing. i'm still loving that.

i'm being more obedient at home. spending more time with eddie in particular has been good this past week. [he's a kid who needs you to make time for him, because he doesn't demand attention like joe does...] so i'm pleased about that.

i'm lifting my head more when i'm out and about - the result is more conversations, more folk in the neighbourhood met and engaged with.

and i've sort of attended to the issue of vitue that we've had. it's not resolved, really, but then it's always going to be an ongoing thing, and it feels good to have begun to get to grips with it...


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