Monday 11 June 2007

random stuff

[aye up james, looks like it's just thee and me then - heh heh]

was thinking about the whole 'wrestling with demons' thing. no great insights, but i was wondering about that bit in the OT where jacob wrestles with the angel [it defeats him by dislocating his hip] and thinking about what the difference is - angels or demons... maybe it's about a shift in your perspective? pint pot half empty or half full sort of thing... or maybe it's about how far along the journey you are... whatever, i like the idea of wrestling with the angels...

been reading the obedience chapter in the book too, and realising that in my working life, i am very obdeient. my clients get a good service out of me and i'll bend over backwards to meet deadlines and stuff.
but at home, sue and the kids often get a bit of a raw deal - they suffer for my commitment to work. i'm much less obedient outside of my job. it's that old work/life balance thing again. so i need you all to challenge me and make me accountable for thinking and working through some changes on that front please...

also been thinking about virtue again. we've got a situation at the mo where we've not been particularly virtuous - not by anything that we've done, more by something that we've neglected - and it's weighing quite heavily on me at the mo. hold me to a commitment to do something about it...


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