Tuesday 12 June 2007

Returning home

Dear fellow monks,

I'm sorry for my inability to have joined in the conversation until now. And I'm sorry that today's not my day but I wanted to get in there as I've just read through the posts and feel inspired to chip in.

I've been away and now I'm home.

I love the familiarity of returning home, whether it's to a person or a place that feels like a safe zone of belonging - it always fills me with a special kind of joy.

But this time I'm returning in a slightly different way and with slightly different intentions. Being away for three months and reading Finding Sanctuary in foreign climes has encouraged me to change pace a little. To take time to feel my way slowly. To not rush and strive so much. OK I know what you're going to say - the 'not striving' kind of comes naturally anyway as working has never been my strong point!.

What I mean is that for me reading Finding Sanctuary has very much been about trying to find a way I can spend less time being sociable.

This might sound strange but before going away I got to the point where I felt drained from constantly seeing people and being out and about in social contexts. The thing is I love people. I love talking to people and I love being around people I love (or even just the ones I like). I don't think this is a bad thing but when I spend all my time rushing from appointment to appointment I think there's something not quite right because frankly - it has become a way of escaping. Escaping responsibility and escaping silence. I'm not good with silence.

I realise this may now be very long so I'm going to finish but I just wanted to say that I still want to be around people but I need to find ways to lead a calmer life and I reckon you guys can hold me to this a little. Because it can't be about becoming totally inward-looking - that would be selfish and wrong - but I have to learn how to have balance. Since I've been back I haven't rushed round seeing people. I've let things happen naturally and gently and I feel energised instead of paralised. I just hope I can carry on like this without giving in to the temptation of being ms social whirl again...

Having said all that, it's good to be home and I can't wait to see you all!


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